...because you
know you want to know!
My frien

d Kenda wrote me a couple weeks ago to let me know that there was a new wine shop opening it's doors in Cambridge, MA. I called up the shop and spoke to Maureen, one of the owners, and let her know that I was interested in meeting with them and cultivating a relationship since I write this blog. She was very gracious and told me that they were going to be opening their doors, For the first time, in just a couple hours and that I should swing by. Unfortunately, I was not able to make it that day due to prior engagements, but I followed up just yesterday.
When I spoke to Maureen she let me know that they were going to be having a
wine tasting tonight. So, I'll be heading over to
Central Bottle Wine + Provisions in about 30 minutes or so. If you are in the area, you should come by as well. I am particularly excited about the Domaine Chaume-Arnaud Cotes Du Rhone that they will be sampling. It seems to be a very good wine for less than $15 (which is always appealing to me!) What makes this wine even more appealing is the strong history that comes with it.
Take a look at this site.
How did it go?